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Stay Positive

Stay positive.  Easier said than done, of course.  Life has many ups and downs and obviously it’s easy to let the downs get a hold of you.  We forget quickly all the ups when the downs come around.  That goes for all of us.  How do we remain positive in the face of all the challenges life throws at us?  How do we conquer the defeats and get back on our feet when the world makes us feel just the opposite.  There’s inner beauty in all of us, we just need to find it.  It’s there, please trust me when I say that.

I met a young woman last year as I was photographing her wedding and she taught me that when all you see are clouds in the sky and there is no way to get around just look up and the sun will shine.  She had to be the most positive person I have ever met and I must say she rubbed off on me.  It had to be the worst weather I’ve ever encountered for a wedding.  In my mind, all I could think about is where are we going to take the formal photos after the ceremony.  It was raining hard.  As a matter of fact, the wind was blowing the rain sideways and the weatherman was not giving us any relief in his short term forecast.  So I had to develop a plan even though I had doubts that I could come up with something that would work.  I asked the young bride to be if she had any idea where we could go after the wedding ceremony to shoot the formal photos since all of my ideas were washed away because the rain was coming down sideways.  Any shelter from the rain would not work.  Even though we were protected from above we were not from the sides.  I was hoping she would come up with some special place where the wind and the rain would not be a factor, but she just simply said that it was not going to rain after the ceremony.  I said to her “yeah but just in case.  She answered “it’s not going to rain”, and I said “but if..” and she quickly replied; “Denis it is not going to rain”.  I immediately thought to myself that we were doomed.  Didn’t she listened to what the weatherman had said about the rain and wind lasting all day!  Boy, we’re doomed we’ll just have to figure it out after the ceremony, maybe in the church?

As they were getting married inside the church and getting ready to say “I do” the clouds parted and the sun came out.  It lit up the entire church and filled it with warmth.  I thought to myself, I hope this lasts.  Believe it or not, it lasted all the way through the next one a half hours during the formal session and then it began to rain as we were done.  She had said that it was going to do that and it did.  She remainded positive and it materialized.

Well, she made a believer out of me and even though I sometimes falter and forget but then I remember this, and it brings me back.

You want success in life in whatever it may be in, then be positive and look only at what is good in life and forget the torments, they will only bring you down and make things worse.  Of course, they will happen, but remember that the only way out is to believe that things will get better and they will.  Trust me, if this young bride made the rain disappear and the sun to shine then there is nothing that is impossible for you if you believe.

Be Positive - Newlyweds with their pet all dressed up.

By the way, if you haven’t done so yet visit this great idea for Mother’s Day.  Make her rain disappear and her sun, shine.

Just for Mom


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