My inspirations in life
What are my inspirations in life? What drives me, what makes me tick and who I am and what I want to be? As I sit here at my computer trying to figure out what I am going to write about this morning for my Blog, (because I promised myself that I was going to write a blog every Monday or should I say I am going to try and write one every Monday), I realized that the things that inspire me the most in life is love, music and romantic movies. No matter how many things I thought about that inspires me they all somehow relate back to these 3 things. Without them I would not be here and without them I believe my life would just be a dead branch floating on an endless river going nowhere.
So my true inspirations in life are these 3 things that are so integrated to each other that it became very clear to me why I am inspired by them. Why love? Well every morning I wake up beside the love of my life, my wife. She is the start of my day, my sunshine and my reason for being here. She has brought me so many joys in life that I quit counting (not enough fingers on my hands). Her and I have been through so many little ordeals during our time together that could have pushed us apart but somehow she stuck with me. That is love so that is why love inspires me. This year will mark 40 years of marriage and I look back at how the years have physically changed us in so many ways but our love prevailed through it all.
Now where does music fit in all of this. In the most difficult times in my life I have always found my way out by listening to music. There are so many stories that songs share with us. Many of them were written as a result of someone’s life experiences. If you listen to them closely you will always find the answer you are looking for. Someone somewhere has gone through the same things we all go through in life and have written a song about it. It is through their experiences and their songs that we can find inspirations to overcome many of our obstacles and continue on with our journey. Remember when I said that my inspirations are related well music is mostly written about love.
Romantic Movies
What can I say about romantic movies except that I am a romantic at heart and watching them amplifies my love for life. I am one of these big sucks when it comes to watching love stories. Lisette always tells me that I am getting worst and that I cry very easy when I am watching a love story. My guess for why am I becoming softer as I age is that I have learned over the years that what matters the most in this world we live in, is love. When I am watching a story of someone’s life I somehow feel what they are feeling and I relate to it. If they feel happy, I feel happy and I shed happy tears. If they feel sad I feel sad and I shed tears of sadness.
I get so caught up in their lives that it hurts if it hurts them and it feels great when they are happy. People’s feelings are so important for me. I can’t see myself hurting someone and if I do that in the spur of the moment I instantly regret it.
Love stories are about love, not about war and not about the bad things in life that fill up our lives so easily. Love stories are what is encouraging in this world where in so many case so little of it (love) exists. I will take a love story any day over any violent action movies. I have grown into this facet of my life and have mellowed and realized that none of us can exist here without love.
Have a look at what inspires you
There you have it folks, I have accomplished my Monday morning goal and written my blog. Now that you know what inspires me look back at your life and ask yourself this one question, what inspires you in the world you live in? Have a good week everyone and become inspired.
Take the time to learn who we are