Coming soon…

What a mother is all about


If there is one word that defines what a mother is it would be “Love”


As our Me & Mommy mini session promotion comes to an end I can’t help but ponder on what these sessions are all about.

Our mini session draw for our Me & Mommy promotion was a complete success.  We had a tremendous response so we decided to add and additional 3 winners to our winning circle for a total of 6 lucky participants.  This promotion will be used to build our portfolio to promote the relationship between a mother and her children.  This came in light after having lost my mother a few weeks ago.

As I was looking for pictures of my mom with her children I remembered that just a few years back I had convinced my mom along with my siblings to have a photo session done with her since we never had one done before.  I was so happy that we had done that.  It is so wonderful to have this memory of her with us because I now know that if we hadn’t done this session with her we would have missed out on the chance and now the opportunity would be gone forever since she has now left us.  It made my mom very happy and she hung a wall portrait showcasing of all of us with her on her living room wall until her passing.  We made her happy and that’s all that matters.  Now each one of us have this wonderful memory of her in our homes.

It’s funny how we always seem to procrastinate when it comes to having family pictures done.  We think that the time for getting that done will always be there.  We think that if we don’t do so this year there will always be next year.  Well, I can honestly tell you that things change quickly and what is here today might not be the same tomorrow.

Nearly every mother in this world would love to have a wall portrait of her with her family because that is what her life is all about.  She has sacrificed some of the best years of her life to raise her family without any concerns for herself.  She is the glue that bonds the family.  Without her things have a tendency to come undone and fall apart.
I believe it is so important that we take the time to get a family portrait done.  In the family session it is also vital that we capture each member of the family with mom individually.  A wall portrait of her with her family is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give her because in the end, her family, is what mothers are all about.  Please check out this Mother’s Day promotion we have going on right now.

To view our promotion please click on the following link

Just for Mom


Our mother with us

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Just for Mom

Let me ask you a question.  Just how special is your mom to you.  With Mother’s Day being around the corner and the greatest gift for mom is her family, what’s better to give her than a gift certificate from Dal Photography.  We would capture what’s most important for mom, the bond and the love of her family.  Don’t wait!!  Act now!! and offer your mom this incredible present that she will treasure for her entire life.  Best of all she receives a studio credit of $125 that she can apply against the purchase of prints or wall portraits and other products.   If she doesn’t have any room on her walls for a wall portrait we also offer beautiful professionally designed Photobooks to encapsulate the memories of her family.  These Photobooks are incredible, they are a work of art and they are extremely versatile, durable and very affordable.

Don’t miss out!  Our JUST FOR MOM offer will end on Mother’s Day.


Just for Mom Promotion

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High School Senior Photography

High School Senior Photography is a very popular way of showing who you are as an individual during your final high school year.  We’ve worked with many graduating students  over the years and each one has come out with amazing and beautiful photos capturing who they are at the time in their lives where they are most likely to leave their parents homes and begin the journey to adulthood.  Let’s face it, this will be, in many cases, when your child will leave your nest and begin to make it on their own.  We believe it is very important that you capture this moment since it will never be duplicated.  With High School Senior portraits you will cherish these memories forever.

We make a connection with each student.  We want to know what they like.  What is their take on life, what they like on fashion, what their focus is and what basically makes them tick.  We believe the more we know about each individual the better the photography session will be and the better chance at making some amazing portraits.  Photography is not about taking pictures.  It is more about capturing who the person is.  Every photo has to tell a story about the individual.  Each individual is different so each photo session has to be different.  It has to show everything about who the student. We, at Dal Photography, specialize in that.  We will take the time to understand the graduating senior.  Our sessions can last up to 3 hours.  We want to make sure we do everything right.  We want to make sure we capture what we want to capture, the personality of your child.

We specialize in High School Senior Photography.  We do it professionally to bring out the beauty of each individual we photograph.

A very common way of showcasing your children’s portraits is through a Photobook.

High School Senior Portrait

A High School Senior Photobook usually consists of 20 pages or 10 spreads and comes with a beautiful handcrafted box.  There are usually approximately 20 photos in a photobook.  A great way to get a whole bunch of photos in an easy to show high quality photobook.  A great gift to your departing high school senior.  These are not just great photobooks, they are amazing photobooks.  Worth every penny!


Another way is right on your wall

High School Senior Wall Portrait

There is no better place to showcase your graduating senior than on your wall.  The various combinations of wall portraits mounts are endless.  You can choose to hang them in a cluster or simply have one hanging by itself over a piece of furniture on a living room wall.  Your imagination is your limit, however we can help you decide what size you need and where you would hang it.  Let us help you in your decision.

Here are a few links to go to for more information.

High School Senior Model Release Form



High School Senior Photography

Clothing Tips

What should you wear



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I LOST MY MOM (a tribute to a wonderful person)


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If there is one single thing in this world full of turmoil that makes any sense it is a mom. We all have one, what a gift. Some lose their mom early in life and we all feel so terrible for them because we know that without a mom their lives won’t be complete. They are the life givers. They are the caretakers. They are the ones who weep with you during your hard times. They are the one you go to in a time of need. They are your best friend. They never judge you. They always protect you and they’re always there for you no matter what. They will stand by you and encourage you to get back up when the chips are down. They will guide you through every step of your life and be there for you when you falter and rejoice with you when you succeed. I know this list could go on and on and it would never end but if there is one word that would sum it all to describe what a mom is it would be the word LOVE.

I lost my mom a week and a half ago.  Her lost leaves a hole in my heart.  I don’t think it will ever close but I know that I will have to nurture this hole because it represent all of the wonderful feelings I had for her and will continue to have throughout the days of my life.  I will miss her I have no doubt about that.  I wish I could have been more for her even though I know she would say that I was everything.  As I shed a tear or two I remember all of the wonderful unselfish things she did for all of us.  She is in heaven now with my dad and I know that some day we will be together again.  Until then life goes on.

I wrote this as a tribute to the wonderful woman she was.  I cannot put enough words together to describe who she was as a human being.  She was just too amazing of a person to be described with words so I will leave it to say she was my MOM, because that would best describe her.

I miss you mom even though we’ve been apart for only a week and a half.  In fact I’ve missed you from the second you left us.  I want to thank GOD for giving us this wonderful person.  She was there for us and with us for a very long time.  We’re lucky because we had her a lot longer than a lot of people have.  For that I am truly thankful.  I know she will continue to be there with us until we meet her again. Good bye mom.




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  • Gloria ThibaultApril 4, 2016 - 12:21 pm

    Well, said Denis. We will miss our mom’s everyday until we meet them again up in heaven!ReplyCancel

  • Charles PotvinApril 4, 2016 - 6:09 pm

    Allo mon Denis:

    Je ne savais pas que tu avais perdu ta mère. Elle etait une très bonne personne qui avait toujours un beau sourire. Tu avais de bons parents. Mes condoleances mon ami…..CharlieReplyCancel

Let’s talk about what you should wear

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There are a lot of thoughts put into what you should wear for your photo session. One common denominator that most clients use in their decision is that they make sure everyone matches. That’s very good, however matching each others clothing is not the only thing someone should think about. Everyone can match and the photos will still not look like you want them to be. Any of the following reasons come into play to cause deception with your photos:

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  • Colors are too loud and too bright.  Avoid using bright colors when you are trying to match everyone for the photo session.  Loud colors tend to to be the most dominant feature in your photograph taking away from what is the most important aspect of your portrait, everyone’s face.  Stick with neutral earth tone colors and your portrait will dramatically improve


  • DAL_0268 copyToo many things going on.  Avoid wearing clothes that have to many distracting features in them such as everyone wearing shirts or tops that have floral patterns in them.  Other distracting features include clothes with stripes or t-shirts and sweatshirts with writing or logos on them.  Although these clothing look real nice in everyday life they are not ideal features for portraiture.


  • White is not always a good thing.  Although white is definitely a neutral color it tends to be just too bright and become the dominant feature in the photo.  Many photographers love when people wear white but for us unless it is a high key photograph that we are after white is a color we ask clients to avoid wearing.  The face has to be the dominant feature in a photograph and everything else needs to compliment just that.


  • The next series of images will give you suggestions on what you should wear for your photo session.  If you are going to use patterns, match them with solid colors but make sure that clothing is all in the same color tones.  It’s as simple as that.

Matching patterns with solid colors in the same tones or completely solid colors in a neutral tone are ideal for a photo session

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If you require more information on what to wear please drop us a line at or call us at (705) 898-2927.  You could also check out the following page on our website tips

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